Greetings fellow Halloweenheads! It’s that special time of year once again, and there’s no better way to get into the spirit of the season than blasting some spooky tunes and dancing all your worries away.
The past 2 years have been strange to say the least, even borderline nightmarish at times, to the point where reality isn’t all that different from the fictional media we used to turn to for comfort. To quote our favorite scary movie (and lifelong obsession), Scream, it’s like right out of a horror movie or something.
But, alas, have no fear: Halloween-themed music videos are here! Scroll below to see 5 MORE music videos to start the spooktacular day off right!

If you’re late to the party, check out our previous post – “15 Music Videos to Get You Ready for Halloween” – before scrolling below for 5 MORE Halloween-inspired music videos!
5. “Look What You Made Me Do” — Taylor Swift
With powerful, unapologetically bold lyrics and enchanting imagery, this song is a wonderful addition to our countdown, and fits in nicely with the rest of Taylor Swift’s 2017 album Reputation, which was notably darker and more provocative than Swift’s previous works. The video starts off overlooking a cemetery before proceeding to reveal Taylor dressed as a zombie crawling out of what appears to be her own grave.
Swifties know Taylor doesn’t just throw her videos (or songs for that matter) together thoughtlessly, and that everything from the scenery to the costumes is meticulously planned and has multiple meanings attached. Nothing is by accident. “Look What You Made Me Do” is no exception, as ‘Zombie Taylor’ literally rises from the dead, with freakishly realistic makeup and special effects that are as frightening as they are impressive. This cryptic opening scene wasn’t just for entertainment value (although it succeeds in that purpose tremendously), but was the singer’s way of acknowledging her hiatus and time away from the spotlight for a year, as the world speculated endlessly about why Swift vanished.
The entire video doesn’t disappoint, and proves Taylor is an unstoppable, dynamic force of nature, and you just never know what you’re going to get from her next. If looks—and lyrics—could kill, the audience would be buried in the cemetery right beside ‘the old Taylor’. The song (and entire album) is spellbinding, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to swiftly get this Halloween countdown underway with such a banger.
4. “The Inevitable Return of the Great White Dope” — Bloodhound Gang
You might be wondering, “How are guys in monkey costumes dancing with Carmen Electra ‘Halloween-themed’? That’s a stretch.”
We promise, it’s not just an attempt to show our appreciation for bands that infuse clever, quick-tongued rap-esque lyrics with the instrumentation and style of 90s alt rock (rap-rock, if you will). Stick around until the 2:40 mark and see who appears to take the video in an unexpected direction. We’d rather not spoil anything and let you check out the video for yourself, but if you want a hint, just ask yourself: who is the ‘Official Icon of Halloween’?
3. “Sour Girl” — Stone Temple Pilots
What do you get when you mix evil looking Teletubbies, melancholy lyrics, an iconic 90s rock band, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer herself? You get the 1999 hit “Sour Girl”, a trippy look into the mind of lead singer Scott Weiland’s nightmarish reality about the darker side of his complicated relationship with his first wife.
Sarah Michelle Gellar was a huge fan of the band, and didn’t hesitate to join the psychedelic landscape, donning gothic clothing and makeup while twirling with Weiland alongside the creepy Teletubby-like figures. She makes the perfect accompaniment to this twisted, sinister world, as both Sarah Michelle Gellar and Buffy the Vampire Slayer were synonymous with horror at the time. Sarah clearly enjoyed her involvement in the video and time spent with the band, and expressed her own shock and heartbreak after receiving the news of Scott Weiland’s untimely death.
The video was well-received at the time of its release, being nominated for Best Cinematography at the MTV Movie Awards, and serves as a somber yet crucial reminder to hold onto your loved ones, never taking any of life’s fleeting moments for granted. As sad as the world was to hear the news of Weiland’s death, his unique musical talent and impression he leaves on the audience are undeniable, as is evident below with this creepy yet catchy addition to our countdown.
2. “Ripple” — Grateful Dead
This visual component to the hauntingly beautiful track on the Grateful Dead’s legendary 1970 album American Beauty is proof that Halloween—and what comes to mind when one thinks of this glorious holiday—can vary from person to person. Some things—like pumpkins and black cats—are undeniable, classic symbols synonymous with the spooky season. And while we love traditional Halloween motifs, one of our favorite things about this holiday is that you get to decide what makes it unique and fun for you personally!
For some, the mystical, psychedelic journey you’re taken on in “Ripple” might not initially scream ‘Halloween’. Once you look a little closer, however, you can’t help but be swept away and mesmerized in this kaleidoscopic interpretation of a tarot card reading come to life. Although this video has plenty of black cats, devils, spiders, and other traditional horror elements, it also blasts us off into an otherworldly realm with trippy, dreamlike imagery and celestial patterns. This refreshing, ethereal take on the occult serves to remind us that, when it comes to Halloween, the possibilities are endless.
If you have experience reading tarot cards, comment below to let us know if you’re able to decipher any hidden meanings behind the symbols in the videos.
1. “Welcome to the Black Parade” — My Chemical Romance
This unforgettable music video had to be included, if for no other reason than to remind everyone of its existence. Try viewing the familiar skeletal parade and monstrous, masked attendees without getting hit with a giant wave of comforting, bittersweet nostalgia.
This quintessential 2000s hit relentlessly reaches emotional peak after peak, reminding us why we love music in the first place. With insane drum fills and explosive guitar riffs, you’re left speechless and mystified.
You might be wondering who—aside from the band members themselves—is responsible for creating such an impactful and monumental video. Samuel Bayer is the director, known most notably for his work on a little 90s video by Nirvana entitled “Smells Like Teen Spirit”. Ever heard of it? Yeah. Clearly this director knows how to properly communicate the complex nature of a song into a video, as he takes us on thrilling, magical rides that captivate and entrance us for the song’s entirety.
Basically, the dude can flat out direct, something to keep in mind before completely writing off the 2010 A Nightmare on Elm Street remake—his feature film debut. Obviously, nothing can top the Wes Craven classic, but after re-watching this video, we might just take another stab at it.
Bonus! If you’re interested in other Halloween-themed My Chemical Romance videos, be sure to check out their 2020 video below entitled “A Summoning.” These guys are fond all things ominous, and “A Summoning” showcases this pretty passionately. Give it a watch if you really want to get into the spirit of the season (hopefully without inviting one into your home), and start your 2021 Halloween off with a bang:
Hope you enjoyed our picks! We’d love to hear from you and learn what your essential Halloween songs and videos are! Don’t just listen to spooky tunes to get you in the spirit this year – immerse yourself in the terror and fun with one of these music videos!
What are your favorite Halloween and horror-themed music videos? Share your favorites with us below!
Visit Mr. and Mrs. Halloween for horror news and Halloween treats throughout the year!
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