We had just walked in the door from Halloween Horror Nights 2018 when we got the news. Someone very close to us was passing away.
In a few short weeks, we watched as the one we loved withered away to a shell of their former selves. Early in December, we woke up to see that they had finally let go.
It was the hardest experience we had gone through together in years. It impacted us both in ways we’re still discovering months later.
For so long, things got dark, and keeping a festive spirit going was a struggle. But life continues. No matter how broken we felt inside, we still had to get up every morning and go to work. We went through the motions and muddled through because sometimes it feels like that’s the only choice you have.
I bring this up not to be the biggest bummer in the world. I promise. You just can’t go this long without posting and pop back up like nothing ever happened.
We took a hit, and it was killer.
And then life went on, as it does. Although the pain of the loss never lessened, we knew we had to continue forward on our path. There were no tricks or tips that could magically whip us back to normalcy. The only way out of it was to go through it. Months of meditating, exercising, and trying anything we could think of to lift us from the funk.
Then, the seasons began to change. Summer was wrapping up, and we knew it was time. Time to post. Time to allow the light back in. Time to celebrate life again.
I remember this same feeling of renewal coming each year as summer came to an end and Halloween season was approaching. There’s a reason we’ve dedicated so much of ourselves to Halloween. There is magic in the air this time of year.
Sometimes this season is about candy, parties, and costumes.
Sometimes it’s about something so much more.

I am so sorry for your loss. I missed your blog entries while you were gone, but you should take as much time as you need. This is a beautifully written post.
That’s so nice of you to say, Cody! Thank you!
We’re back in action now and hope to bring lots of joy and festive spirit this Halloween.
Thank you so much for reading and commenting! Wishing you a wonderful season ahead!
My condolences to the both of you. I understand the loss of someone close to you. I lost elderly family members and I found myself crying some days of the week more than other times. Over time, I’m not going to lie, I still miss those dear to me, but I’ve made myself a list. This list is a list of happy memories that I’ve had with them and one of these memories including watching the changing of the leaves that then fell to the ground crunching underneath my feet. It was a happy feeling that I remember of the beginning of Fall time and would say, “She use to love the beautiful smell of apples or apple cider at a Fall festivity.” Then, I would follow those traditions and make them part of my own. Sorry for this miniature long post, I just wanted to share and let both of you (Mr and Mrs Halloween) that you are loved and I know you will never forget the happy memories you shared with that person that has passed. Oh and also since I’m posting it on this date, Happy Friday the 13th to you both. 🙂
Thank you so much for your kind words, Amber!
I’m so inspired by your idea to make a list of the happy memories and work to keep those traditions alive. We have to remind ourselves that you can keep the memory and spirit of someone you love forever by celebrating their legacy and impact. We’ll be doing that more because of your heartfelt comment.
Thank you so much for sharing with us and happy (belated) Friday the 13th to you! And Happy October!